Saturday, May 15, 2010

Message from Hawai'i for 5.15 Human Chain at Futenma







私たちは、土地を浄化し市民社会に返還することをもとめ、私たちの家である島々において、人間の安全保障と自己決定を回復することをもとめます。私たちは、「Not in My Backyard(裏庭にはいらない」という訴えではなく「No Militarism Anywhere(どこにも軍事主義はあってはいけない)」というメッセージを発信するために、ハワイでの連帯集会を行います。私たちはオハナ(ファミリー)として連帯し、私たちの権利、ホーム、安全を守ります。また私たちは、占領軍の兵士たちもそれぞれのホームに帰り、かれら自身の地域社会をたて直してほしいと考えます。そして共に人間の安全保障を創りあげていきたいと願っています。



Hawai’i Okinawa Alliance(HOA) calls for demonstration in solidarity with Okinawa and All Pacific

Pete Shimazaki Doktor, Jamie Oshiro

On May 14, diverse people of O`ahu will gather in solidarity with the Futenma rally and other people’s movements throughout the Pacific.

This is an international problem. US military forces are deployed in 130 countries around the world, with permanent bases in 50 nations and growing. From the illegal overthrow and military occupation of Hawai`i in 1893, the US, along with other colonizers, have occupied nations throughout the Pacific with military forces and agendas.

Guahan has shown widespread opposition to the resettlement of occupational forces from Okinawa to Guam that will overwhelm the fragile ecology of this even smaller island and reef system. Meanwhile, other Micronesian and Mariana islands have been considered for relocation, while islanders disproportionately serve and die as fodder for a foreign commander-in-chief they could never vote for as non-citizens, nor serve as officers in this military poverty draft.

Among the tired excuses for continued military occupation of Okinawa is the Cold War relic North Korea. It is clear that these militant policies don’t resolve conflict, but acerbate tensions, suffering and militarism on all fronts. We call for peaceful resolution to such conflicts through diplomatic, cultural and economic exchange towards our collective security.

We demand the clean-up and return of lands back to civil societies to restore true human security and self-determination throughout our island homes. This is not a “not in my backyard” movement, but a “no militarism anywhere” unity rally. We unite as an ohana (family), defending our rights, our homes, and our human security. Similarly, we want occupation armed forces to return to their home fronts, to help rebuild their communities and ultimately our collective human security.

We stand with our Pasifika sisters & brothers united against further military occupation and expansion, including localities not mentioned in this appeal.

Supporters: DMZ-Hawai`i Aloha Aina, AFSC-Hawai`i, Ohana Koa NFIP and Buddhist Peace Fellowship-O`ahu.

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