This is the Hawai‘i Okinawa Alliance(HOA) blog. HOA, meaning “friend” in Hawaiian, is an alliance of Okinawans, local Okinawan-Americans and allies, including Hawaiian and other international peace, social justice, ecology, and human rights proponents, and working for maintaining solidarity between peace and indigenous movements in Okinawa and Hawai`i as well as other communities struggling against militarism.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
" Danju Kariyushi ” 「だんじゅかりゆし」Hawai'i Taiko Kai&Ukwanshin Kabudan公演@リーワードコミュニティカレッジ劇場

ハワイから、peace な連帯メッセージとしての舞台公演をお知らせします。
以下、ブログより一部抜粋(translated )
“Danju Kariyushiだんじゅかりゆし”とは、愛するものが旅たつ際に安全を願って歌うフォークソングとして、沖縄で歌われ続けています。
この精神のもと、the Hawai`i Taiko Kai とthe Ukwanshin
5.28 the "Day of Indignity"
His whole speech was aired.
It was the day of indignity for the people of Okinawa.
Japan and the U.S. again, and continuously, sacrifice the lives of Okinawans for their benefit.
But we, Okinawans, will never let them do that.
We will seek for all the possibility to close Futenma and stop new base construction
...for our future, for our dignity.
Washington Post article
This is an article written by two writes Shino Yuasa and Mari Yamaguchi .
In the second paragraph of this article, it says, "the two allies agreed to move the Marine Corps Air Station Futenma to Henoko, in a less crowded northern part of the island." This phrase "less crowded" had been used by the former LDP government when they needed to justify the construction of new base in Henoko, but has not been used by Hatoyama when he describes Henoko. Why do the writers still use this phrase? People live there. Children go to schools. That shows how those writers, Yuasa and Yamaguchi, disregard the human rights of Okinawans near Henoko Bay, their rights to live as human beings.
"US, Japan agree to keep Marine air base on Okinawa"
The Washington Post
The Associated Press
Friday, May 28, 2010; 9:44 AM
TOKYO -- Washington and Tokyo agreed Friday to keep a contentious U.S. Marine base in Okinawa, with Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama highlighting the importance of the Japanese-American security alliance amid rising tension on the nearby Korean peninsula.
In a joint statement, the two allies agreed to move the Marine Corps Air Station Futenma to Henoko, in a less crowded northern part of the island. The decision is broadly in line with a 2006 deal forged with the previous Tokyo government, but represents a broken campaign promise from Hatoyama.
In a news conference broadcast nationwide, the prime minister repeatedly apologized for failing to keep his pledge to move the base off the island, which hosts more than half the 47,000 U.S. troops stationed in Japan under a 50-year-old security pact. Okinawa residents have complained about pollution, noise and possible danger from the bases.
"I am sincerely sorry for not being able to keep my words, and what is more, having hurt Okinawans in the end," he said.
Hatoyama said that the government had investigated 40 sites as alternatives for Futenma, including options off the island, but none worked. He said Futenma's helicopter and air assets were needed for nearby Marine infantry units based on the island in times of emergency - reminding listeners that recent events on the Korean peninsula had made the region "extremely tense."
"In Asia, there still remain unstable and uncertain factors, including the sinking of a South Korean warship by North Korea," he said.
"I had to give the Japan-U.S. agreement the priority because maintaining the trust between Japan and the U.S. serves the best deterrence," he added.
The decision had domestic political fallout, too, as Hatoyama dismissed Gender Equality Minister Mizuho Fukushima from his Cabinet for her refusal to accept the agreement. But her party, a junior member in the ruling coalition, will not bolt the government.
"I couldn't betray the Okinawans," she said. "I cannot be a part of an agreement that imposes a burden on Okinawans."
Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirofumi Hirano will take her spot in the Cabinet, Japanese media reports said.
Under a 1960 security pact, American armed forces are allowed broad use of Japanese land and facilities. In return, the U.S. is obliged to respond to attacks on Japan and protect the country under its nuclear umbrella.
The U.S. and Japan "recognized that a robust forward presence of U.S. military forces in japan, including in Okinawa, provides the deterrence and capabilities necessary for the defense of Japan and for the maintenance of regional stability," said the joint statement, which was issued by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Japanese Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada and Defense Minister Toshimi Kitazawa.
The Futenma move is part of a broader plan to reorganize American troops in Japan that includes moving 8,000 Marines to the U.S. territory of Guam by 2014. But U.S. officials had said that the other pieces cannot move forward until the Futenma issue was resolved.
The two countries said an environmental impact assessment and construction of the replacement facility should proceed "without significant delay." The statement called for a logistical study to be completed by the end of August.
The base, whose plans call for a 5,900-foot (1,800-meter) runway built partly on reclaimed land off the coast of Henoko, faces intense opposition from residents and environmentalists.
They said they would consider moving military training facilities off Okinawa, possibly to nearby Tokunoshima, or out of Japan completely. The accord called for more environmental stewardship, through which U.S. bases in Japan might incorporate renewable energy technology.
The governments still had lots of work to do, said Financial Affairs Minister Shizuka Kamei.
"The safety and noise reduction issues have not been resolved yet," he said.
The joint statement called for sensitivity to Okinawans' concerns.
"The ministers recognized the importance of responding to the concerns of the people of Okinawa that they bear a disproportionate burden related to the presence of U.S. forces, and also recognized that the more equitable distribution of shared alliance responsibilities is essential for sustainable development of the alliance," they said.
Associated Press writers Shino Yuasa and Mari Yamaguchi contributed to this report.
ー Okinawa Dugong ー
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Symposium: Why Okinawa?
What is "Deterrence" by US Marines in Okinawa?
Deterrence ? 抑止力って何ですか?
その根拠とは?twitter で参加できるようです。
▽日時 5月27日(木)午後7時(6時30分開場)
▽会場 浦添市てだこ小ホール(入場無料、先着300人)
▽出席者 パネリスト=鈴木佑司氏(法政大学教授)森本敏氏(拓殖大学大学院教授)高野孟氏(インサイダー編集長)我部政明氏(琉球大学教授)。コーディネーター=長元朝浩沖縄タイムス論説委員長。問題提起=屋良朝博沖縄タイムス論説兼編集委員
▽問い合わせ 編集局政経部、電話098(860)3551
Tonight, Okinawa times co. will host the following event. U stream broadcast the symposium LIVE on the internet(27th, 7pm/Okinawa time) It seems that we can join the discussion on the twitter!
Symposium: "Why Okinawa? "
=Question about the US-Japan alliance
=review the role of the alliance
=re-examine "Deterrence" by US Marines in Okinawa
When? (Thursday, May 27th,7pm:Okinawa Time)
Participants:Prof. Suzuki(Hosei Univ.)
Prof.Morimoto(Takushoku Univ.)
Mr. Takano(Managing Editor,Insider)
Prof. Gabe (Univ. of the Ryukyus)
Coordinator:Mr.Nagamoto(Okinawa Times)
Presenting the Problem:Mr. Yara(Okinawa Times)no
Free TV Show from Ustream
Democracy Now! interviewed Kyle Kajihiro (Program Director for the AFSC), Kozue Akibayashi (professor and activist in Japan), and Melvin Won Pat-Borja (educator and poet from Guam) on the issue of the U.S. military realignment.
"From Japan to Guam to Hawai’i, Activists Resist Expansion of US Military Presence in the Pacific"
"You know, but in a lot of ways, we don’t have the same rights as other Americans. And that’s something that’s really important in the discussion between Guam and Okinawa. You know, a lot of folks kind of see Guam as being America. You know, when they look at the bases in Okinawa, they think, you know, this is an American problem, and these bases should be sent back to America. And so, they look then at Guam and Hawai’i as being America. And so, you know, this is the alternative. But, you know, a lot of folks don’t realize what our political status is and the struggles that we face within the political system. And so, you know, this is not just a simple thing of saying, "OK, this is America. Let’s moves them there. You know, the people of Guam want them." You know, the reality is that there is a lot of resistance to this buildup, and it is going to impact us in so many different ways—socially, culturally, environmentally, financially. And, you know, it’s not just a simple transfer."
Do not discriminate Okinawa.
Do not discriminate Guam.
Do not discriminate Northern Mariana Islands.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
"The Prime Minister does not see us as human beings"
*you can see the photos in the link.
Prime Minister Hatoyama is visiting Okinawa again on May 23rd. Hatoyama said "Relocation site is within Okinawa. We concluded that we need to relocate it near Henoko, Nago City."
He withdrew what he said before the 2009 election, "relocate Futenma outside of Okinawa or outside of Japan," and said "relocating Futenma outside of Okinawa or outside of Japan will drastically decrease the function of Marine Corps. I would like to wholeheartedly apologize for causing confusion for the people of Okinawa."
Governor Nakaima pointed out that "there is a huge gap between the feeling of Okinawans and the government idea."
The Prefectural People's Committee against the Relocation of Futenma within Okinawa Prefecture organized rally from 9 am on May 23rd, about 400 people attended. They hold yellow signs saying "ANGER."
A lady from Okinawa City attending the rally said "Everyday my life is trampled by the roar of military aircraft. I thought the base will be relocated outside of Okinawa. The Prime Minister does not see us as human beings. I cannot endure this anger."
Monday, May 17, 2010
5月17日21時14分配信 読売新聞
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Message from Hawai'i for 5.15 Human Chain at Futenma
私たちは、土地を浄化し市民社会に返還することをもとめ、私たちの家である島々において、人間の安全保障と自己決定を回復することをもとめます。私たちは、「Not in My Backyard(裏庭にはいらない」という訴えではなく「No Militarism Anywhere(どこにも軍事主義はあってはいけない)」というメッセージを発信するために、ハワイでの連帯集会を行います。私たちはオハナ(ファミリー)として連帯し、私たちの権利、ホーム、安全を守ります。また私たちは、占領軍の兵士たちもそれぞれのホームに帰り、かれら自身の地域社会をたて直してほしいと考えます。そして共に人間の安全保障を創りあげていきたいと願っています。
Hawai’i Okinawa Alliance(HOA) calls for demonstration in solidarity with Okinawa and All Pacific
Pete Shimazaki Doktor, Jamie Oshiro
On May 14, diverse people of O`ahu will gather in solidarity with the Futenma rally and other people’s movements throughout the Pacific.
This is an international problem. US military forces are deployed in 130 countries around the world, with permanent bases in 50 nations and growing. From the illegal overthrow and military occupation of Hawai`i in 1893, the US, along with other colonizers, have occupied nations throughout the Pacific with military forces and agendas.
Guahan has shown widespread opposition to the resettlement of occupational forces from Okinawa to Guam that will overwhelm the fragile ecology of this even smaller island and reef system. Meanwhile, other Micronesian and Mariana islands have been considered for relocation, while islanders disproportionately serve and die as fodder for a foreign commander-in-chief they could never vote for as non-citizens, nor serve as officers in this military poverty draft.
Among the tired excuses for continued military occupation of Okinawa is the Cold War relic North Korea. It is clear that these militant policies don’t resolve conflict, but acerbate tensions, suffering and militarism on all fronts. We call for peaceful resolution to such conflicts through diplomatic, cultural and economic exchange towards our collective security.
We demand the clean-up and return of lands back to civil societies to restore true human security and self-determination throughout our island homes. This is not a “not in my backyard” movement, but a “no militarism anywhere” unity rally. We unite as an ohana (family), defending our rights, our homes, and our human security. Similarly, we want occupation armed forces to return to their home fronts, to help rebuild their communities and ultimately our collective human security.
We stand with our Pasifika sisters & brothers united against further military occupation and expansion, including localities not mentioned in this appeal.
Supporters: DMZ-Hawai`i Aloha Aina, AFSC-Hawai`i, Ohana Koa NFIP and Buddhist Peace Fellowship-O`ahu.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
May 15 Sat. International Solidarity Peace Rally in Okinawa
On May 15th, one day before May 16 Human Chain around Futenma Air Base, there will be the International Solidarity Peace Rally in Ginowan City Hall.
There will be guests from Phillipines (No Base Network), Guam (Chamorro Nation), and Korea (National Campaign for Eradication of Crime by U.S. Troops in Korea).
Mayor Yoichi Iha, Keiko Itokazu (a member of the House of Councilors), Yasunari Fujimoto (Peace, Human Rights, and Environment Forum: Secretary General) will give welcome messages.
Let's voice out our message of solidarity and No new bases in the Pacific!
Peace Event at Miyako Island: Nmyaachi(Welcome),PEACE SHIOMOJI JIMA
We express our firm solidarity with shimanchu/island people all over pacific!
Youth Rally at Miyako Island on May 15th, 2010案内(ゴーゴー)
� 日時 2010年5月15日(土) 11時〜17時
� 場所
伊良部島平成の森公園 (雨天 伊良部中央公民館)
� 内容 平和イベント「んみゃーち(ようこそ) PEACE 下地島」
ライブ 古謡・佐良浜元つかさ(神女) 劇・龍神イラブー
ミュージシャン ダンサー 他
ゲーム 勝ち抜き島クイズ 賞品島産商品十点
しゃべり場 今の平和・軍事を問う 戦争体験を聴く
出店 大海老料理ライブ・マグロ料理ライブ・各店自慢の島料理
主催 んみゃーち PEACE 市民の会 代表 高浪隆一若者が発想した素朴なイベントです。
地球の圧倒的声は平和を求めて、焦点化してきているように思えます。詳細他は、伊良部島ハーブベラ畑 Peace Rally (from Miyako Island),
This will be the opportunity to talk and listen to simple questions of Peace & Militarism!
Please, come and tell us what you think of the Base Issue of Okinawa!
We can hear the voices from the world...the overwhelming majority of the earth is now going to quest for the peace(demilitarized world)....
Date: May 15th, 2010
Time: 11:00-17:0
Place: Irabu Island Peace Mori Koen (Forrest Park) or Irabu Community Center(if it rains)
-old chant by Priestess Sarahamamoto
-performance by Ryuujin Irabuu
-musicians, dancers, and others
-island quiz game tournament, (Prize:indigenous products, local specialities)
-talk story, " question to peace & militarism, and listen to the story of war experience "
Rally to Demilitarize Pasifika: 5/14, Fed. Bldg.(Hawai'i)
FRIDAY, MAY 14, 2010 4:30-6:30
On April 16, 2010, Okinawans will be encircling Futenma Marine Corps Air Station in Ginowan City, Okinawa, forming a human chain around the enormous military base as a vote of mass opposition and solidarity against further base expansion in Okinawa, particularly Henoko in northern rural Okinawa, the proposed site of Futenma's relocation. On April 14, diverse people of O`ahu will gather in solidarity with the Futenma rally and other people's movements throughout the Pacific.
However, this isn't just about Okinawa. This is an international problem. US military forces are deployed in 130 countries around the world, with permanent bases in 50 nations and growing. Because of local resistance in Okinawa, alternative sites have been proposed, such as in Guam and Tokuno Island in the Ryukyu Archipelago (north of Okinawa). From the illegal overthrow and military occupation of Hawai`i in 1893, the US, along with other colonizers, have occupied nations throughout the Pacific with military forces and agendas. We stand with our Pasifika sisters & brothers united against further military occupation and expansion, including localities not mentioned in this appeal.
We demand the clean-up and return of lands back to civil societies to restore true human security and self-determination throughout our island homes. Recent proposals to relocate forces from Okinawa to Guam, the Marianas, and Tokuno Island are just spreading this problem. This is not a "not in my backyard" movement, but a "no militarism anywhere" unity rally. To date, policy makers have not listened to island residents, so we unite as an ohana (family), defending our rights, our homes, our human security and our legacies. Similarly, we want occupation armed forces to return to their home fronts, to help rebuild their communities and ultimately our collective human security.
US Armed Forces invaded Lu Chu (b.k.a. Okinawa) in 1945, and have never left. Taking over and expanding Imperial Japanese airfields built by conscripted Okinawans, US military continued to occupy almost 20% of the island of Okinawa, including Futenma Marine Corps Air Station. Called "the most dangerous airfield" by former Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, the Japanese and US governments agreed to Okinawan demands for the reduction of military occupation, including Futenma MCAS, which sits in the middle of urban Ginowan City, surrounded by neighborhoods, schools, hospitals and local business that must live with overhead jets and constant fear of accidents, such as the helicopter crash into Okinawa International University in 2004. In addition to inevitable accidents and the social problems resulting from foreign military occupation, communities around Futenma must endure up to 200 decibel-shrieking flights a day over their neighborhoods and studies have found disproportionate low-weight births and lower academic outcomes in surrounding schools attributed to the noise pollution. Slated for closure by 2014, Japanese Prime Minister Hatoyama recently announced that complete closure of Futenma is now somehow "impossible."
Among the tired excuses for continued military occupation of Okinawa is the Cold War relic North Korea. For 60 years, militarist strategies have failed to end the war between the Koreas. It is clear that these militant policies don't resolve conflict, but acerbate tensions, suffering and militarism on all fronts. We call for peaceful resolution to such conflicts through diplomatic, cultural and economic exchange towards our collective security, as militaristic approaches have failed. We link our struggles for peace with the people of the Koreas, sisters and brothers divided by failed, archaic politics.
Guahan, better known as the US colony of Guam, has shown widespread opposition to the resettlement of occupational forces from Okinawa to Guam that will overwhelm the fragile ecology of this even smaller island and reef system. Meanwhile, other Micronesian and Mariana islands have been considered for relocation, while islanders disproportionately serve and die as fodder for a foreign commander-in-chief they could never vote for as non-citizens, nor serve as officers in this military poverty draft.
As island cousins, we sound the call to unite for our common defense against all forms of militarism and colonization, and our collective aspirations for international peace through social justice, sustainability, self-determination and mutual support. After WWII, Okinawans in Hawai`i came together to help war-torn Okinawa; it is time we come support again. Supporters include: DMZ-Hawai`i Aloha Aina, AFSC-Hawai`i, Ohana Koa NFIP and Buddhist Peace Fellowship-O`ahu; contact us to add your associations.
Parking is limited to streets, so consider carpooling and bus. Feel free to bring signs, banners, instruments, friends and family to this unity rally committed to non-violence and popular sovereignty.
HOA (Hawai`i Okinawa Alliance)
Pete Shimazaki Doktor
Jamie Oshiro 808-728-0062
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Dugong was seen in Henoko Bay!
Ryukyu Asahi Broadcasting (QAB) captured a Dugong, swimming in the Eastern Coast of Nago City.
Both Environmental Ministry and Defense Ministry have admitted that the ocean area from Henoko Bay to Kayo Bay is "the important sea area for the inhabitant of Dugong."
The Nature Conservation Society of Japan is warning that, "seagrass beds, which feed dugong, are distributed in the shallows in front of the Camp Schweb. Therefore, even the pier plan proposed by the government, surely vanish the seagrass beds. Moreover, change of sea current would possibly vanish the distribution of the seagrass."
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Messages from Okinawa
ARASAKI, Moriteru
Ryukyu Shimpo, May 5, 2010
--Hatoyama's visit to Okinawa made us aware of the reality of the Prime Minister Hatoyama or Hatoyama Administration. However, it also urge us to redetermine that we are the one who achieve "Closure and Return of Futenma, and Anti-New Military Base Construction."--
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
安次富浩さんからの談話 message from Ashitomi-san
Very powerful message from Ashitomi-san.